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That was a very touching story. :) I'll share one of mine.

In the summer of 2005, a dog was walking along our busy street. He stopped by our place to smell our dog stuff. He was about 100 pounds and black and dusk was approaching, so I decided to go find him accross the bridge to make sure he didn't get hit. I was out of bar school and looking for an articling position (internship to become a lawyer) so I had a lot of free time. The next day I gave him a bath, printed out a "found dog" poster, and took him for a walk to make a few hundred copies. For the next 3 days we walked around different parts of the burough putting up the posters, taking him and my dog with us and stopping to let them swim at the beach. So after 5 days, we get a call that refers us to his master.
It turns out he was a guard dog, who never got taken for walks and who only had a bit of play time, so when he was with us, he was having a blast.
For the next year, everytime he escaped, he'd head right over to our house even though its about a mile away (about 2 kms).
I used to go visit him, but since his owner wants to keep him as a guard dog, he (owner) would complain about me making him soft, so I stopped. Everytime I walk by him, his tail wags...

He was one of the most gentle dogs I've ever met, and yet his master wanted him to be a guard dog against his nature. Very sad. (the dog did love the master though, he was glad to see him. He was just not used to being pampered and treated like a family dog)