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We will see. PS4 has had a great launch but Nintendo has 2 games (Donkey Kong & Mario Kart) that have historically moved alot of consoles for them while Sony has nothing in terms of software coming out that is going to move the needle. Infamous 2 only sold 1.6 million which was a 40 percent drop from the 1st one, so I really dont see how this new one will move any consoles. My guess is that PS4 will get really close or pass the Wii U, but once Kart comes out Wii U will retake the lead. Its just a guess though, I could see some different things happening. What I do know for a fact is that the Xbone will not catch the Wii U anytime soon. It's going to have a hard time just keeping pace, I have no clue why anyone thinks it will pass it when it still has 2.5 million to go and is only outselling it by 30 - 50k per week during its launch.