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NYANKS said:
a.l.e.x00 said:
NYANKS said:
a.l.e.x00 said:
leo-j said:
Legend11 said:
In my opinion you can't be dominating and still be in last place. And the last time I looked the PS3 is still in last place in installed base.

Though it is dominating in terms of current sales, its not sony's fault microsoft decided to release there nex gen console 13 months before the PS3 was launched in NA, and japan. And about 17 months before it was released in europe and OTHER territories.

The past 3 months have gone to the console which is currently higher priced. With only but 4 AAA titles 2 of which are multiplatform, and 2 of which are exclusive. I say if the PS3 is outselling the Xbox 360 in every single region, that is something to look at. If ps3 were at that $279.99 price the 360 arcade is, I would say blu-ray alone would have smashed the 360.

4 AAA titles???

1. Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfarePS3Activision437.893.621%
2. The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionPS3Bethesda Softworks537.793.189%
3. Rock BandPS3MTV Games26--90.892%
4. Uncharted: Drake's FortunePS3SCEA678.989.828%
5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year EditionPS32K Games4--89.000%
6. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of DestructionPS3SCEA698.388.540%
7. Burnout ParadisePS3Electronic Arts409.087.388%
8. The Orange BoxPS3EA Games208.987.275%
9. Ninja Gaiden SigmaPS3Tecmo518.786.994%
10. Resistance: Fall of ManPS3SCEA777.986.698

AAA = 90%+

Where is the forth one? I only see three? Oh... Maybe it's... INVISIBLE!!! Ooooooooo!!!

Two of them are Playstation 3 exclusive? So only one... I mean two... Because one is invisible... Of these games are also on the Xbox 360? Man, oh, man, the Xbox 360 needs some more AAA games! Ignore the links below. They serve no purpose.

Now if you excuse me, I'm going back to play some Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction! 

Ok, that AAA bullshit your spittin is ridiculous.  Uncharted is off by .180%, so its not AAA?  I hate the f*ckin term AAA, people can't even get the term straight.  Christ, please, if you've been involved in playing and watching the best games this generation you know what is AAA and what is not.  Ratchet and Uncharted are both "AAA", I can't speak for the others. 

Uncharted is not an AAA game. It missed the mark by .180%. 0.99 is not 1. Okay? I hate the stupid AAA thing too, but most of the people here only speak video game language. You can't teach English to everyone. Ratchet and Uncharted are AA games. They are not AAA games. Stop messing with the rules of the game reviews. This is why Metacritic, and Game Rankings exist. They exist, so that people don't have to follow single, worthless opinions anymore, but the average of a compilation of many opinions, which is far more accurate on determining how good a game is. But when you try to force your opinion through these websites, and try to change things around, it makes the whole thing worthless, doesn't it? YOU ARE WRONG!

This option is for people who lack the brain power to look into things themselves.  ANYONE who looks to anything other than themselves for a final say is a dumbass, plain and simple.  You can miss out on wonderful games because of a rating system that says .180% less than 90% banishes you from being a great game, what a load of crap.  Rather than make a set of rules that people will follow as blindly as you, we should educate people in doing the opposite.  Reviewers can be retarded, if you haven't noticed.  And I believe that most of the people who visit here have the foresight not rely on other people's opinions.  Don't follow my opinion, follow nobody's, at least not as a final word on whether a game is "AAA" of "AA", please.  I shudder to think about how many amazing games are not "special" because they didn't get .1% higher on gamerankings.  Please, anyone who uses that pile of fail to determine exactly what a game is is stupid.  They are only VERY rough estimates.

Incorrect again. Why so many errors? I play Mario Party Advance. MARIO PARTY ADVANCE!!!

I play all games, including the ones that got less than 90%. Okay? Do you want to spend $80 on Sonic the Hedgehog for Playstation 3 to see how bad it is, or do you want to read the reviews? Do you want to spend $60 on Donkey Kong Barrel Blast? Do you want to spend $80 on Jumper, or Spider-Man 3? Go for it. Personally, I'd rather keep my money, and read the reviews. I do not miss out on games that got less than 90%, because I play them anyways, but I accept the fact that they are not AAA games. So go waste your money, so that you can get your own opinion on all the shitty games out there. I will listen to the media, because I don't like to waste my money. AAA games = 90%+. If you don't like that, then you don't like the whole rating system. I don't like to go by letters. I like to go by numbers. But since this whole "A, AA, AAA" thing came out of nowhere, I use it, because most of the people here use it. Uncharted is not an AAA games. Too many flaws, and such. Yes, it's a good game, but not a masterpiece. It's as simple as that. If you love it, that's okay by you, but accept the fact that it, universally, is not a universally acclaimed video game. Done. Man, oh, man. Don't argue with me. Stop assuming things. Stop trying to make connections, just because some games are not AAA games, or better yet, games that got less than 90%, does not make them bad, does not make me not want to play them, but only means that they are universally inferior to those that got 90%+. UNIVERSALLY INFERIOR!!! Okay? Some may think other wise, but the world, as a whole, likes them less than the masterpieces.