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Max King of the Wild said:
DietSoap said:
Max King of the Wild said:
DietSoap said:

$100, there was a $299 SKU right from launch.

Nitpicking aside, I take it you're not confident in what you're said earlier? You see how likely it is now they'll drop it to $200 and still make a profit in 2014 and every quarter of 2015? Or do you want to take the bet after all?

Which the discontinued because of horrific sales. Then dropped the price of another model to stimulate demand... which failed

So you don't believe what you're saying... Alright then. :P

Well, a desperate company is sometimes unpredictable and Nintendo is very desperate right now with Wii U sales. They did it for the gamecube but were profiting from it from the start unlike the Wii U. But fine, I'll take your bet. Sig and avatar control for 6 months. Nintendo will not officially cut the Wii U's price by 1/3rd in any region

I want to be clear again, it's an official price drop to $200 in 2014 and an overall profit for 2014, as well as every indivual quarter in 2015 (meaning if even the first quarter is an overall net loss, you win), but the conditions sound good.