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DerNebel said:
Zero999 said:

“I am pretty sure the Wii U will still be ahead in March, but PS4 is going to pass it in 2014 at some point. PS4 will only be at 5-5.5 million by March, Wii U should be a hair ahead of that. Probably April or May,” said Pachter.

I thought this guy couldn't get more stupid. guess I was wrong.

Thanks for your opinion on someone elses console sales prediction Mr "10.2mil Wii Us sold by the end of 2013" and "22mil Wii Us sold by the end of 2014"

And Pachter's prediction is actually lowballing it a little.  I would think that the PS4 may be able to beat it in March if Sony can keep up with production.  Japan will add quite a bit, considering it sold out of its 2 preorder allotments within 48 hrs.  I would imagine Sony is going to make sure to have ~400K ready for launch.