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DBZfan2027 said:

It isn't just because of the crappy imitations. I clearly outlined one of its underlying gameplay flaws in the horribly innacurate Wiimote functions. But sure, in your words it's just "hating" -- my personal experience with the game be damned. There are much better "fun for everyone" party type games out there. DDR, Rock Band, and Guitar Hero are just a few I can think of off the top of my head.

Fair enough, I just assumed your original post was your primary reason for disliking the game. I personally didn't find any controller faults to keep me from enjoying the game, but I obviously can't speak for your experience.

As for "fun for everyone" games, what I meant was that Wii Sports was the most accessible for the widest possible audience. My dad would never want to play DDR, and there's no way my grandpa would have had the patience for Guitar Hero. Wii Sports, meanwhile, seems to be generally enjoyed by everyone.

But....this is an opinion thread, so I'm only really clarifying what I meant. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334