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People pay a lot of money over time for both the console and the games. Quality for the money is important.


These days most people have 1080p TVs and expect that too.


Finally you are comparing WiiU (current gen) titles to PS3 titles like uncharted 2 when PS3 is now last gen!


You can pick up a PS3 for around £120 now and have fabulous first part titles of top quality and hugely varied content and  great enjoyment.


For the WIIU it is a lot more expensive and the content is much more constrained and in a lot of cases worse in quality.


These are the reasons it matters.


Finally, people are seeing much better value from Sonys proposition than WiiU and hence PS4 is already outselling WiiU lifetime in some territories.


Nintendo dropped the ball completely with WiiU and they need to bring out something new, The 3DS single handledly is keeping them in the gaming business.