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Lenny93 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Cheebee said:
Also, 3DS outsold PS4 + Xbone combined.
Also, X360 outsold Xbone by 100k, but 3DS still outsold it + PS4, combined.
Also, 3DS outsold Vita by over 900k.

3DS dominates everything.

Yeah, the 3DS is a handheld which can be purchased for less than $200. Of course its going to be easier to pick up. Even i was contemplating buying one just because it was so cheap. It shouldnt be compared to main consols though.

Based on this logic, we shouldn't compare Wii U sales to XBox one sales because of the price disparity. PS vita is cheaper than the new gen consoles but isn't selling better. People are buying the 3DS because they want it, not just because of it's price.

Yes, it has the games they want to play, because in the end the rationale for buying any game system is what games has in its library.