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I seriously dont understand. I love hard8time's videos. I think he is hilarious but seriously, even from a Nintendo fan who gets his trolling matter. I dont understand his logic behind asking if there are any Wii U titles that look as good as Uncharted 2, Killzone 2 ect. First hand, I can say that Super Mario 3D World is an extremely beautiful game. Especially the opening cut scene where you can see the textures on Bowsers skin. Second off, the games on Wii U like Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World and even to an extent Wonderful101 and Lego City blow most of the "better looking" PS4 and Xbone games out of the water in terms of gameplay and fun. If he would have made this argument when there are actually great games that look good as well then maybe he might have a point but I think there is kinda a double edged sword here.