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dude.. to be honest, I got both 360 and PS3, and I never had the regular XBOX, I had both the PS1 and 2, and before that it was NES.

With that said, I have never really got into FPS games, til date I haven't even seen a Halo game, and my brother had an XBOX mind you, and I could never get into it... it comes down to the games, when I first got it at launch, no BS, I had GRAW and Oblivion for an entire 6-7 months before Gears dropped.

I was forced into trying Vegas because so many people recommended it.. but you will be surprised.. not many people like FPS (at least within my circle of friends) and I think this is the main fault of the 360... to many damn FPS games!

Look at it now.. Shadow Run, Halo, Bioshock.. (demosI have recently downloaded) area 51, Hour of Victory, and so many others... MS needs to take a chance at other genries, this is truly hurting the 360... I have been forced to like FPS games, I dont think that should be the case, after the launch, I got Criminal Origins, whatever that game is... just because there was nothing out.. I hated it.. I got BF Modern Combat, just because... no other games to choose from, Oblivion was cool.. I like that.. GRAW.. cool, but I felt was kind of weak because it was to realistic, no boss battles or such.. ( I like some fantasy in my games).. these are the games I had to put up with after launch.. it was sad..

The PS3 is none better, I played Resistance, an FPS and I liked it.. but wasn't siked.. Motorstorm rocks! Genji... sucks but at the same time.. better then say ninety nine nights..which i got for the 360 and sucked massively..

I said this on this forum before, but I got the PS3 strictly for games like, Heavenly Sword, God of War 3 ( I love god of war) and those type of games, and even though God of war may not sell as much as Halo, or Gears for that matter.. I find those type of games 100 times better, and these type of games have much more appeal, I dont see Halo moving many units 360's this holiday season, something tells me all the Halo fans already got a 360.. so those that buy it, wont be buying a 360 for the first time, but already own one.