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chapset said:
Zod95 said:

Ok, I think there is no need to quarrel like that. What Fatality was trying to say is that we have the home console market (which is the focus of this thread) that is part of the console market (home console + handheld), which is part of the videogaming business (console + PC + smartphone + tablet + other devices). Since we are focusing on home consoles, 3DS is not relevant here. That's all.

I should refrain from trying sarcasm with Sony fans you guys are to blinded by the love of sony, my original post was mearly just a summary of what was post by most nintendo fans in this thread and what to be expected from them in the future when ever the wii U sales are being discuss but of course a Sony fan went full defence mode for whatever reason.

I tell you the "whatever reason": I am neither a Sony fan nor in full defence mode. I am a gamer like you that likes games and videogaming discussion (that's why I'm here). I try to be as neutral as possible and I avoid summarizing what Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo fans post. I would rather have my own opinion.

I think that you and Fatality were escalating for no reason. I just tried to show you the bottom line of what is at stake (which I think is very easy to understand). WiiU, PS4 and XOne are competitors and they are the focus of this thread. Does the 3DS affect their sales? does the smartphones and tablets...and even the prices of oil, food, water and houses. But that's not what is being discussed here.

Can you understand the logic of this thread? I mean, you don't need to agree with it and you can even tell us why it is misleading in your opinion. But can you understand the logic?

Prediction made in 14/01/2014 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 100M      XOne: 70M      WiiU: 25M

Prediction made in 01/04/2016 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 100M      XOne: 50M      WiiU: 18M

Prediction made in 15/04/2017 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 90M      XOne: 40M      WiiU: 15M      Switch: 20M

Prediction made in 24/03/2018 for 31/12/2020:      PS4: 110M      XOne: 50M      WiiU: 14M      Switch: 65M