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If Xbox One becomes WiiU 2.0..., then i'm sure PS4 will beat every Wii record. People keep saying PS4 doesn't have games to keep selling like this....Well PS4 didn't have good launch games neither according to a lot of people and PS4 still sell a lot more than anybody else before.

I think, having Infamous SS, DriveClub, Watch Dogs and Destiny confirmed for 2014 will be more than enough. People should not forget there will be a lot of games for next christmas that sell every year a lot like FIFA, COD, etc...., and i'm sure more will be announced from now until E3 2014 for this year's end.

People don't need to compare PS4 with only Wii numbers, more likely with PS360 numbers. PS3 and Xbox 360 combined sold around 17 million aligned in their first year, and this was with Wii putting amazing numbers in its first year too, around 20 million.

I think Wii was a phenomenom that gathered more sells than normal, but if you get that 17 million from that PS360 numbers and sums the casuals that bought back then the Wii (i'm refering the ones who bought Wii that weren't Nintendo fans) and now will buy the PS4 (because is the more popular console now) I think it should be around 30-35 million potential consumers for this next year, at least. PS4 can have perfectly half of this numbers for all 2014, letting the rest for Xbox One and WiiU (Wii U was already around 5 million).

So I know my theory is hugely flawed, but in conclusion, what i'm saying is Xbox One will end 2014 with around 10-12 million sold and PS4 will end 2014 with around 15-20 million sold, and if Xbox One suffers after christmas like WiiU (for whatever reason), and sells less than 10 million at the end of 2014, then PS4 will ultimately outdone Wii numbers.