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drkohler said:
Sam Yikin said:
Diverting supply to USA for the release of Brawl. Congrats to the PS3 anyway though.

Does Nintendo own its own cargo freight ships? I don't think so...

And for all those m*** that think that Nintendo diverts/reallocates shipping due to a "really cool game in area xy", please take the time and go to a freight shipping company and ask them a few intelligent questions, like:

a) How many _MONTHS IN ADVANCE_ has (larger size) cargo to be reserved?

b) How does the price of cargo change if not reserved _MONTHS IN ADVANCE_?

c) You should get the point by now...

Make the people happy by mentioning that you think that Ninetendo redirects its console shipments when higher demand is possible in some area of the world. You will see people ROFL and if they are really nice (and have a lot of time to kill), they will try to explain to the naive how international shipping works..

So to sum up: Please people, stop this ridiculous "company xy diverted yz to aa due to the cool bb"



Umm, Nintendo knows their own release dates MONTHS IN ADVANCE.