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Naum said:
Isn't that big of a surprise

one is a console that have been our for only a month and every "hardcore" Sony fan wants one ( there are millions of them, aka early buy)

the other is a console that have been out for a year and unlike "hardcore" Sony fans Nintendo ones don't buy it right away, they buy it when the big heavy hitters(games) are released or when they find it have enough good games.

Your post makes little sense. If you followed any gaming news since february 2013 you'd know its not only the Sony fans that want a PS4, the entire gaming world wants it. The console is a phenomenon, Playstation brand is strong, everyone wants it, not just those hardcore Sony fans. There are a lot of Sony people waiting to buy a PS4, for the next MGS, Uncharted, Gran Turismo, inFamous, Driveclub, Sony Santa Monica, FFXV/KH3 etc to come out.

So why would you have double standards and say that Nintendo fans are waiting for the heavy hitters and not Sony fans? Just accept the fact that PS4 has more demand than the WiiU which already has heavy hitters such as 2D and 3D Mario.