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xenogears1234 said:
vivster said:
Cheebee said:
prayformojo said:
Jizz_Beard_thePirate said

Also, nothing will come close? 3ds says hi!

He was talking about home consoles. Consoles and handhelds don't compete with one another.

Ah, but they do. Only on forums such as this they sometimes don't when it's closemindedly convenient, but in reality they do, very much.

You can claim they're not in competition until you're blue in the face - they compete on the only front that matters in the end: for the money and time consumers are willing to spend on such entertainment, and that's a simple truth and fact, whether anyone likes it or not. There's just no way around it. Tablets and smartphones compete with handhelds and consoles for that matter, too, and are destroying all of them in sales.

Especially if you say that handhelds and home consoles are both competing for the time and money of consumers it is not a fair comparison.

Fact 1: Consumers have significantly more time to spend on handhelds

Fact 2: They don't have to spend as much money on handhelds

That makes them by design a significantly better deal than consoles. So much that they're not in a feasible realm for comparison. Also they have for the most part a different target audience.

It's like comparing smartphones to desktop PCs.

Since when did people start considering handhelds on equal ground for competing in something called THE CONSOLE WAR cause if the 3ds is competing head to head with the 3 actual consoles its over, and we can just say its the winner based on current numbers.  Now see how silly that sounds consoles are consoles handhelds are handhelds congrats on the 3ds doing what its doing, but in terms of this site the only thing the 3ds is up against is the psp/psv, and the ds.

The 3DS is a handheld CONSOLE as is the Vita. and yes they are on equal ground. It seems to me the only people who are quick to discount handhelds are people who have some kind of weird grudge against Nintendo.

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