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I don't know if Nintendo was explicitly copying tablets with the Wii u, it could have been that they were trying to duplicate their DS, which is highly successful, in a console form.


Also, regarding the thread topic, I also believe that the terms casual and hardcore are bs, at least as the terms that are currently being used. There are definite ways to divide the types of games that people play, but I don't believe that these terms are usually used very accurately at all. From a true definition standpoint, hardcore/casual should be completely irrelevant to if a game has cartoon graphics, has family playability, or has characters that appeal to children.

IMO it should be used to describe how in-depth someone gets into a game. Personally, i don't even believe it should be used to describe people that play the game often, but not in depth, although of course thats just my opinion and can easily be argued.

For example, I believe these are examples of what should actually be hardcore:

-Players that are capable of participating in a tournament of a game

-Players that do stuff like speed-runs

-Players that try to unlock everything in a game or get 100% completion

-Players that carefully try to create the best builds in an rpg/mmo type of game and are constantly analyzing their current ones

-Basically anyone that strives to completely understand every part of a game and how to optimize their play to take advantage of the mechanics.

Once again, I mention that this type of player can apply to almost any game.


The way the market usually uses the term hardcore I think usually describes gamers that like to play games, probably usually with realistic type graphics, often times online, and often times they play alot. However, I honestly believe that alot of these people that sit around and play Call of Duty all day don't neccessarily engage in what I consider to be "hardcore" i.e. analyzing the game mechanics, etc, and I think any actual "hardcore" player would be able to take up a new game and within a month probably be able to destroy a regular guy whos been playing it for a year.