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I don't think I'm gonna go for platinum on Resogun or Killzone (or Batman or Puppeteer) because I have just TOO many awesome games to play through now and I don't particularly care for platinums unless they're fun to get (also I hate MP ones and won't go out of my way for a trophy I won't enjoy getting because it's just grinding, I do them for challenge not monotony).

I've been playing some Battlefield but mostly I've been enjoying PS3. It's not because PS4 has a lack of games. While I finished Killzone and Resogun I still haven't started Black Flag or Contrast and haven't played KZ or BF on MP yet (which is the whole reason I got BF). It's just that Batman AO is actually REALLY good and I've been working over break and my goddamn brother always hogs my games when he's home (even though I own everything). He'll be gone come the 30th so then I'll have 2 weeks before school starts to get through Ratchet Nexus, AC4, and Contrast, finish KH HD (just started 1 before getting into origins) and Batman, and try out BF4 and KZ MP. I'm also gonna wanna beat Batman on I am the Knight difficulty. Also I wanna try Borderlands 2, Kingdoms of Amalure, and Dragon's Dogma on Plus. Then I'm getting Bioshock, DMC, Brothers, and Don't Starve in January for FREE!

In summary I'm enjoying the PS4 when I get a chance to play it.  Sony just needs to stop giving me so much reason to play PS3 and maybe I'll have more time for PS4.  The controller is awesome (though it's rough to keep switching) and the UI is so instantaneous I'm still impressed after weeks of play.  The online is VERY good and I hate visiting the store on PS3 now lol.

Get Your Portable ID!Lord of Ratchet and Clank

Duke of Playstation Plus

Warden of Platformers