drake4 said:
better games, i can agree, but its a matter of opinion anyway but interms of system sellers, Wiiu>>>GC |
Denial in this one is strong... I proved you wrong and you still force that Wii U is better than Gamecube in its first year when it comes to system sellers...
Super Smash Bros Melee is a launch title for Gamecube while Super Smash Bros U will be out more than year and a half after Wii U's launch, Wave Race: Blue Storm is a system seller also, you got Luigi's Mansion which was system seller for some, you got Crazy Taxy then Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rouge Squadron 2 that is an GC exclusive if I remember correctly and a big system seller. You have freaking Animal Crossing on Gamecube, two James Bond 007 games, two Resident Evil games in its first year and both exclusives at the peak of Resident Evil franchise! Metroid Prime at freaking launch, a huge system seller, Star Fox Adventures, another system seller... Gamecube has much better games and far more system sellers than Wii U. Stop being in denial, you are stunned about my statement... Right? Stop being in denial, Gamecube kills Wii U... It buries it. You can keep being denial, but the fact is that Gamecube is far better than Wii U when we compare it to game library, launch games, games in its first year, 3rd party support with a lot of major franchises...
Games that Wii U is getting next year will improve its sales by a lot most likely... if SSBM could sell few hunderd thousands of Gamecubes then it will be same for Super Smash Bros U. Don't underestimate the power of exclusives and specially well known franchises...