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For reference, I have beaten the prologue, the first couple of missions, the first boss, the second level missions and now at the second boss mission. The topic has no spoilers in case you're wondering.

 I hesitated on whether or not I should make a thread about it, because I don't like starting threads... Anyways, here goes:

 I have no problem with the game looking like an early ps3 game with poor graphics and textures, but I do have a problem when the game looks like that and runs poorly too. I would also have more of an open mind if the game areas were big, but they are not, they are basically mostly corridors so far. 

The game is filled with camera stuttering while moving, even in an empty area, pop ins and obnoxious frame rate slow downs. Even the cut scenes have slow downs, jaggies and look like a ps2 game graphically. Every time a huge monster enters the area, expect a frame rate nose dive, every time you command your dragon to shoot, the game goes into single digit frames.

 Gameplay :

The game is super super supa easy and you can’t change the difficulty settings at the beginning of the game. I play most of my games on normal, and I have not taken more than a single hit so far in this game.  You know how Dynasty warriors games have dozens of dumb AI come at you, this game is the same AI wise except 3-4 enemies come at you at a time lol. Yes, that’s right dumb AI that rarely attack and you can kill with 2-3 hits come at you in swarms of 3-4 at a time. There has been like 2 areas when 10 or so enemies attacked and when that happened, frame rate went to shit. Some missions have mini bosses at the end, but I don’t know if I should call them that. They rarely attack, as in they walk in the area while you spam square and triangle button and every once and while they unleash an attack or two, which obviously kills the frame rate.

The music and possibly the plot (I can’t judge the plot after beating 2 bosses ^^) are the only saving grace of the game. Honestly I can’t recommend this game to anyone, but maybe the hardcore Drag-on Dragoon fans who want to know the story of the game. I have more to say but I think the post is long enough so I'll hold back.

For reference, amazon game reviews