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why this constant need to define people and their sexualities? why can't your co-worker just be a person who happens to be turned on by shemales (probably among a lot of other things)?

also, why hide being gay in this day and age? because a lot of "straight" guys are probably uncomfortable with labelling themselves as gay when the connotations drawn from the word scare them, or don't even apply to them.
such as your co-worker; it's possible he just likes looking at penises, while not being into anal sex. people are still prejudiced against any group of people, so why burden himself with the risk of harassment/unwanted prejudice when he can call himself straight with a "funny/edgy/whatever" fetish?

edit: also, it is all a gray-scale of different things to get turned on by. which you can't control yourself, which in turn contributes to the hiding. people might not WANT to be turned on by whatever they are.