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'SimCity 4' (& expansion)

for the PC released in 2003.


There's actually a game on my list that's published by EA. 'SimCity 4' however, was before they started medling in Maxis' game-design, so it was a good game. So good in fact, that it stands at the #6 spot of my Top #50. Basically, as far as city-builders go, this game is perfect. One could make everything they want if they're creative enough. The game is easily moddable, and the still very active community makes the most beautiful and handy things imaginable.

The game has much depth that gives the player a fairly realistic control over their city. Decisions effect the wealth and prosperity of your city and indirectly of your region immediately. However, once the player knows the tricks, it's easy to make a rich town. The game's split into two modes; a city-play mode and a region-play mode. The region play isn't very elaborate, but it does allow the player to create what I had personally been wanting to do since the very first 'SimCity': creating a whole nation!

If 'Anno 1602' and 'RollerCoaster Tycoon 2' at #13 and #10 respectively are competing for the title of 'most-played game', 'SimCity 4' will easily take the #3 spot. I have played the game steadily through the years, and that's primarily because of one thing. There isn't anything better. Where is a real 'SimCity 5'? Sadly that possibly will never happen, but when EA decides to become a good company again, that would be one of two things that would bring me back. The other's still up ahead...

#05 Hint:

I think my hints have gotten to hard again... Let's try something easier; Secretly this game has the darkest and deepest story in the franchise, though another is usually credited for it. It's probably just due to ignorance, I'll forgive them. Anyway, each incarnation of the series' iconic protaginist always ends up saving the world and the people in it, but apparently, he's not above eliminating the world in this game, effectively killing everyone in it. Okay, this is due to circumstances the hero couldn't have known at first, and it's his only way out. However, in an emotional ending, one character still survives as an animal she had wished to be for her whole life.