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Although Obamas "Change" slogan is working it seems I dont believe it will be enough. I am a conservative and voted for President Bush last election because I feel his views are the closest to my own. Unfortutantly I am beginning to see that having a president that is to either wing of the party doesnt work in the best interest of the country.

I still think President Bush was a good president, however, and that he gets an unfair shake when it comes to his presidency. I think this country is doing alot of thinking on emotion and not the big picture. The war hasn't been a disaster, hasn't been a success but with the current trend in terrorism in the middle east, I believe it was important to have our ideals get a foothold there and allow the people there to see how it can be. A western presence in the middle east will be crucial in the future of our nation and the future of the world.

Back to the current election. McCain will win because he is the most moderate candidate and believes in America. He believes in making us a better country. Obama and Hilary although they do a better job than John Kerry did, all they run on is a platform that says "You didnt like President Bush? Vote for me." In 2004 John Kerry said literally that and now the two candidates just use the word "change" to cover it up. Its not change we need, its a unified nation. If a democrat is elected president it will be the exact same as 2000 when President Bush was elected. Liberal Congress and Liberal President for 4 years, everyone gets pissed because they listen to alittle less than half of the country, then congress or presidency switches parties and nothing gets done for the next 4 years. McCain can unite Congress and McCain can unite the United States of America.