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I agree that it wasn't the best thing ever, but shit? No. It was fun to play, but it had its issues. Mine with it were the damn auto-scrolling levels. Those bothered the hell out of me. It did get pretty repetitive at times too, but overall it was a fun experience. Just not an incredible experience like the rest of the game. It certainly wasn't that hard...

Ironically, my favorite parts of SSE were the Great Subspace Maze at the end, because they gave me a map and I was never lost haha. Overall it was fun, and I'm glad they added it in.

Oh, and on load times. Other than the 15 second load when you start the game (yes, this is long) I've never seen one over 5 seconds, and I've been counting. I've been playing the game for over 20 hours, and have unlocked all characters and stages... so I doubt any of you have seen anything I haven't.