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SpartanFX said:
Rock_on_2008 said:
The success of Sony killed off SEGA. SEGA was once the top brand in consoles to a lot of people back in the good old 8 and 16 bit days. The legacy of SEGA lives on with SEGA made games such as the legendary Virtua Fighter series arguably the best fighter series ever. The latest Sonic games have been crap but the original Sonic games were classics.
Virtual fighter is so bad that it hurts when you play it.Play Dead or alive or tekken instead or heck even mortal kombat.Honestly sony is a much better company than Sega .I have owned every console you could imagine since 20 years ago and Sony is the one that comes on top.There is a reaon behind their success .That's just my opinion.


For ever opinion as yours there are 3 opinions that think you are wrong.

Sony is a good hardware company but they don't know squat when it comes to software... Sega was not a hardware company but in their prime, if you gave them any console, they would still make you a fun game. Sony isn't even the best company this generation let alone the in the passed 20 years...the only thing that kept them on top in the last 2 generations is exclusive 3rd party support. Now with Microsoft matching Sony's dollar for 3rd party support, they don't look so hot do they.

Virtua Fighter may not be the greatest game nowadays...but it was the FIRST of its kind. Without it...Tekken, DOA whatever... wouldn't exist. Besides, VF sequels kept up with the best. VF5 destroys DOA in the most important aspect...gameplay.

Other Sega firsts: Online gaming for console(Saturn 1997), motion controls for a game (samaba de amigo), first multiplayer arcade rading game with multiple locking cabinets (Virtua racing), first cable TV service for streaming games (sega channel), first web browser on a console(Saturn 1997).

Pretty good for a company that is 1/50th the size of Sony don't you think...