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XiaoMay said:
NJ5 said:

Lol @ you taking the worst case (Spain), then incorrectly rounding down 360's figure before getting to the "15 to 1" ratio.



It was simply rhetoric, but here are the facts. Around here, I believe Xbox360 is not so much of an option anymore. Everybody wonders if they will get a PS3 and/or a Wii.That’s it. Putting UK aside, which accounts for most Xbox360 sales in Europe lately.

Why ?

  • Playstation is a big name in Europe, Sony's domination was really big here during PS and PS2 time. Games like Gran Turisimo and even PES are synonyms of Playstation.
  • MS is not so popular, bad reputation.
  • RroD doesn't quite help.
  • Everybody wants a Blue Ray player to go with their "Big Screen"
  • MS's offers are quite hard to understand for the public, many skud etc... never knows what's inside exactly.


When reality is on your side, you don't need to distort numbers to prove your point.

I believe we should wait for the result of this price cut and GTA4 launch to judge what the future of the 360 in Europe is. I really think this is 360's last chance to win (or come very close to the PS3) in Europe, so we'll find out pretty soon (and after that, there aren't any excuses left, much like the case for the PS3 when MGS4 and FFXIII are released).

After all, the PS3 was also getting outsold in Europe before it got its huge price cuts. The PS brand is really powerful in Europe, but people also care about their wallets so I'll reserve judgment on this one.

PS: I think you're overestimating Blu-Ray, it's not that important, especially in Europe. The rest of your points are well made though.


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