Scoobes said: Clues for 17-13 17: This game was just re-released for iOS. 16. The first in the franchise to go 3D. Constantly breaks the metaphorical "fourth wall". 15. Second game in a franchise that started this gen and has been announced for next gen. 14. The first game in a franchise that has gone MMO this gen (and unfortunately it looks like it'll stay that way). 13. Redefined single-player FPS. |
16. Metal Gear Solid?
14. KotOR?
13. Half-Life something
Since nobody has tried to guess any of the last dozen hints I've posted here, I figured I'd make the next one easy.
17. The first mainline home console game in the series in over a decade to bring back the series' traditional style of gameplay. Also the first mainline entry to feature four-player multiplayer.