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JayWood2010 said:

Looks like a sarcastic Link is beautiful thread to be honest xD  However as I said before it looks like a very early build of the game and it still shows a lot of promise from a technical standpoint on the WiiU.  Doesnt look as good as X but Zelda is more popular hence you will have people talking about it.

As i said before who cares.  Completely different artstyles for starters.  I can compare Halo to Killzone but that wouldnt really prove anything.  Two completely different artstyles regardless if the same genre.

Or i could compare banjo-Kazooie to Pefect Dark Zero.  Once again, same developer and two different artstyles.  

I just find it strange that you would even pull these two games up side beside to ergh "analyze" them. And then to comment about how one or the other looks better (Not even a finished game) when nobody was talking about Dynasty Warriors.  It would be like me going to a thread that says "Kingdom hearts is beautiful" and then commenting, Yeah well Such and such game looks better, i compared them side by side.  

Really who cares.  nobody is saying it is the best looking game in the world.

Well I pretty much have to judge the game based on what I see, its not like I can see the finished product now, also I don't see it showing any technical standpoint of the Wii U unless it drastically changes as there are way less enemies on screen than Dynasty Warriors, which was on last gen hardware and I think you can compare them since they are from the same series, they both are Warrior games, unlike something like Banjo and Dark Zero which are completely different.  They do have somewhat different art styles but if you actually look at the games you can see the environments don't look all that diferent and there is noticable muddy textures in this, which really shouldn't be there.  I never said it had to be the best looking game in the world, but this is a thead discussing how the game looks and that's all I'm doing.