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4. Nintendo is undoubtedly using their franchises to entice publishers to support the Wii U. SMTxFE with Atlus, Hyrule Warriors with Tecmo Koei. Namco Bandai working on Smash Bros.

They started doing this with the Mario & Sonic games, letting Sega use the Mario franchise. Sega's relationship with Nintendo is strong, now, and I'm confident that we'll continue to see exclusives from Sega. Also notable was Pokemon x Nonabuga's Ambition (AKA Pokemon Conquest), with Tecmo Koei (actually, Nintendo seems to be quite close to Tecmo Koei already - Metroid: Other M, Fatal Frame franchise, plus Nintendo publishing Ninja Gaiden 3 outside of Japan).

But it's Hyrule Warriors that establishes this as a pattern. Remember that, when SMTxFE was announced, back in January, Iwata said it's just one of the crossovers that they have in the works. Well, I'm expecting more, and from various different publishers. Here's my picks for what I'd like to see...

Square Enix: Dragon Quest x Pokemon
Marvelous: Animal Crossing x Harvest Moon
Activision: Battalion Wars x Call of Duty
Ubisoft: Rayman x Star Fox (sounds absurd at first, but think about it)
Capcom: Mega Man x Metroid
Konami: Silent Hill x Eternal Darkness?