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I thought it was great. Well, ok, it looked a little silly. The analog sticks kind of resemble giant droopy nipples. But it looked great to hold. Look a little closer -- the spacing between the buttons and the analog sticks is almost exactly the same as on the DualShock. I've never seen a side shot of it, so I don't really know what the shoulder buttons are like... it looks to me though like they were placed far enough toward the center that your fingers would curve smoothly around the contour of the controller rather than perch claw-like on the buttons like they do now. And the big handles were perfect. Anybody ever use a Microsoft Sidewinder controller? It had a very similar design. Most comfortable controller I've ever held.

You guys say the boomerang looked awkward to hold... I think it was designed explicitly around ergonomics. It would have been a great controller, and maybe more people would have accepted it if they'd had a chance to hold it. And you know, the black version wasn't even that silly looking.

Edit: aha! Somebody even made a handy animated image explaining why it was so comfortable.

It's a bloody shame it was never released.