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Strange Griffin I thought we had a wonderful vibe, but I seem to be all that you despise. I use no avatar, and I have no signature. I like a spartan demeanor and don't want to be judged on a picture or a pasted whimsical comment. I suppose since I am beneath your contempt I should let my respect for you evaporate.

You should treat everyone with respect, but few are worthy of respect. There is a distinct difference you can treat a mad third world dictator with respect even though he slaughters tens of thousands of innocent civilians. He isn't worthy of your respect however. Statistically speaking one poster on these forums is a murderer. Perhaps three are rapists. Perhaps a dozen are dead beats. You get the idea a lot of posters on these forums aren't actually worthy of respect.

I treat every poster with respect unless they are vile or evil. I think most everyone follows that standard. Those that I truly respect are the ones that think long and hard before they speed type out a post. You can tell who those posters are they have good verbal skills. The writing flows, and they have strong presentation structure. Great posters are about human connection rather then verbal sparring.

There are a few fantastic posters on these forums, and the best most notable are the ones that lay out their respect when they see a wonderful, witty, and intelligent post. Not the alpha male posts where five posters just show up to agree, because it serves what amounts to their militant needs. No I am talking about laying out respect for a unique presentation or a unique perspective.