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fatslob-:O said:
radha said:
fatslob-:O said:
radha said:

Wii had only a handfull of good games and all were from nintendo, most have their counter part lready on the Wii U and look at sales. That cant compare to the donzens of gems in the PS2.

 Just look at Wii u sales, out of the 100 million Wii owners only 5% have cares about the Wii U library, casuals only cared about wii sports, PS2 had a miriad of reason to buy the console.

@Bold I disagree with this. If they truly only cared about wii sports then why does the WII have more 5+ million software sales compared to the PS360 ? 

Exactly, with only few good games, nintendo fans devored the offer, had there been more good options, then there would have been less million sellers

The PS360 has even less so what are you going on about ? 

When the user base is big and you have few good games, those game will easely reach millions since there is little competition for the consumer's budget. If a console with a big used base like PS360 has less million sellers is becuase there were more good options and the competition for the consumer's budget was greater.

This shows that the wii having a big user base but few good games, is more likely they are all million sellers.

dd if = /dev/brain | tail -f | grep games | nc -lnvvp 80

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