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Its very hard to predict the future, but it looks almost inevitable that PS4 will lead sales of the 3 current gen consoles by this time next year. However, currently Nintendo have the leading current gen home console and are destroying the Vita in the handheld market. This comes on the back of incredible sales for the DS in the last generation and the Wii selling over 100 million units. The company is frankly on fire. Remember traditionally Nintendo have a 5-6 year lifespan for their consoles whereas Sony/Microsoft tend to look for longer. This, combined with the fact that Wii U was a year old prior to XBone/PS4 could mean that the next Nintendo console might be out 2-3 years before the competition is ready to upgrade. If this occurs they might find themselves well placed with the most powerful hardware and 30-40 million Wii U sales under their belt. Talk on these threads of Nintendo doom is frankly laughable.