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Nirvana_Nut85 said:

You didn't refute anything. You just babbled and diverge from the actual topic and start going on about something else when you cannot refute my statements. It seems to be a trend in your posts. I provided you data with the impulse shopping, and showed you that besides the Wii, low rated games match sales. You were not able to provided one single refernce whatsoever to any of your claims. $4 Billion (approx 6 Billion today) 15 years ago was significant and yes I assume it probably has increased dramtically Some sources claim 50%, others estimate $38 Billion yearly and this is not on a global aspect.Unlike you I can see here all day and provide you with references. You obviously read the article incorrectly as no where did it say "impulse buying accounts for very little" Lying does not make your argument credible! Also you state you have data to back up your claims? Well where the hell is it?

Your the one babbling here. 40 bilion dollars upon the whole population of roughly 300 million is actually small. That's like $120 and you don't even know if it's attributed to game purchases either so your total point is null and void for the most part and while looking idiotic at the same time. DO THE MATH. Using worthless points do not make your arguments strong. As for me backing up my data you can clearly go look at the game sales. GTA V and the TLOU have the same reviewer quality but guess what ? Game sales paint a different picture as to who sees quality in the game. The market in general sees the experienced gamer and the masses the same thing so you really can't count them out because all votes are essentially the same. Why did TLOU not get equally close sales to GTA V ? It's really clear that the masses just think that GTA V is the vastly superior game. It's obvious that your idea of the masses impulse buying is really stupid. 

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Again please thoroughly read my responses. I did challenge your response and called out where I believe you were innacurate. Instead of properly answering any of my questions you attempt to drown it out with questions of your own. Your reasoning about the market makes absolutely no sense and I am beggining to think your account is either purely for trolling or else you truly have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about. You want data for my argument regarding reviews and there relation to sales, well go look through metacritic or IGN and then go into the VGC database and look through sales. Majority of the time with the odd instance) reviews reflect sales.  Never did I state a purchase is greater than the other ( a sale is a sale) , you decided to add that on your own and make those claims however as I advised earlier the opinion to review a game and recommend is greater than that of a casual/soccer mom and I'm not going to regurgitate the reasoning as you can go back through my previous arguments.  Your incredibly naive if you believe "the market" decided that Carnival Games was of better quality than New Carnival games. The fact of the matter is which the majority will agree or as you call "the masses" that Wii began to fall from grace after 2010. As I stated the hype was gone and the impulse shovel ware buys died like the Dinosaurs. Due to the fact that the "masses" would agree with me, if we once again go by your logic, that means your wrong! Plain and simple. You have also yet to provide a game on any different console with a universal low rating that managed to sell in the same fashion as carnival games. Just so you know.....BOLDING WITH CAPS MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT! YOUR ARGUMENT HAS BEEN RENDERED MOOT!!!!

Need I remind you that half life or SM3DW comes nowhere NEAR close to GTA V in sales despite the fact that they pretty much have the same quality for the most part. Reviews do not reflect sales and that is reflected by the fact that they don't scale well in comparison to the market. So there goes your other crappy point that review scores = sales. 

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Honest to god I'm suprised you were not beaten as a child. Seriously, did I ever argue that games do not sell consoles? No. However, in the case of the Wii, the console itself CONTRIBUTED to the success of it's games due to it's unique style. There were quality games that propelled it to 100mill sales but like I've stated numerous times already, due to the unique style of the console, shovelware for the first time was able to sell at the level it did those first few years. 
500,000 sales since Mario's release on a console that had sold 800-900K or so since Janaury is significant therefore destroys your argument of SM3DW being a low quality title.

@Bold That's so stupid I'm not even gonna answer to this. 

For a mario title that's pretty pathetic in comparison to other 3D marios. Galaxy 2 was able to pull off a million copies easily at it's first week aligned and that was the seccond lowest selling 3D mario so SM3DW was truly a low quality title. BTW it's first week aligned sales were around 400K so yea it's low quality. 

Nirvana_Nut85 said:

Yes you should be done, before you further embarass yourself.

Or before you keep making more crappy points for me to rip apart. Your done here. Just admit that SALES = QUALITY and leave it at that because you clearly ran out of garbage to throw at.