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I can see advantages to both strategies. Going for 13 HARC (higher attach ratio countries) as the focus can lead to more profits in the long term than losing market share there to gain it elsewhere.

Some people simple see that since the ps4 is outselling it therefore can't possible be losing market share. What it can be losing is potential market share. Until we get more data on how many are shipped to the extra countries it will be hard to say how much of an impact that will have. 20,000 sales lost in a HARC might not be too big a price to pay if it means gaining market share in LARC (lower attach ratio countries) by 10s of percentages. 500,000? a million? that could be enough to make an impact. However if they are able to keep supply close enough to demand they shouldn't lose too much.

It's very often people buy what their friends have, having what can become 70% plus in a LARC by being available even just a bit early can be huge. While only being short a small bit in a HARC might not lose so many if people are willing to wait. There isn't a year before one console hits the market this generation to lead to a year of gaining market share. I don't think that many will buy one console over the other just because one is available.

At worst I could see Sony losing up to 10% of market share in some HARC to Microsoft by going for the LARC as well but I really don't expect it to really be more that 2% while the gains elsewhere (or maintained market share if you prefer to be over 30%