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For sony Computer Entertainment to turn a profit they need to drop a bunch of money losing products from the lineup none of which are the playstation brand, even though the ps3 lost them some money the ps1 ps2 and ps4(going on projections) should give them profits, but stuff like Walkman(seriously sony stop making mp3 players) and thier cellphones need to go. Also thier tvs dont sell well mainly cause they are overpriced and not much better then the competition, but keep in mind thier electronics devision also includes batteries, headunits for cars, sound systems, tvs, Digital Cameras, Camcorders, PCs, and tablets, alot of that stuff has Low to 0 margin like hte PCs dont make much money on them, nor do TV's. they should IMHO leave the PC market and maybe scale back in tv and audio maybe make some profitable mid range tvs instead of mid-high end only.