'Kula World'
also called 'Roll Away' in the US for the Sony PlayStation released in 1998.
This grossly underrated and fairly forgotten puzzle-game is the best in it's genre. And one of the best games to ever grace a PlayStation platform. When 'Kula World' was released in wonder-year 1998, it was fairly popular in Europe, but sadly due to it's small shipment it remained quite a rare and valuable game to possess. It will forever remain a game charished by me, and it's still the only digital game I bought on the PlayStation 3.
'Kula World'is puzzle game, where the player, as a ball, needs to navigate through three-dimentional mazes to find keys and proceed to the exit. The ball can revolve around these blocks on all sides, which can make any level quite confusing. Later on, hazards like traps or enemies further hinder the player's path. Also, each level contains a piece of fruit, which unlocks bonus-levels when all pieces are collected. Lastly, a faster time and collecting coins and gems along the way help raising one's score.
The game is extremely difficult once the player get's far enough. I've never completed the onehundred levels of this game or seen every bonus-level. Nevertheless, the game is timeless, and I could get back into it any day of the week. It's one of a kind, and original games like this are needed to further the industry we all like.
#17 Hint:
The main gameplay-mechanic in this phenominal game was tested out in a launch title for this system from a similarly, but different, famous franchise. Naturally however, unlike the game I mean, this mechanic was only used in one level instead of being the main theme.