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27 here.. I bet most of you can't beat that. I have some anxiety issues in social situtations, as well as self confidence issues, can come off very nervous, and am very quiet unless I've REALLY gotten to know you (and this applies to everyone, not just women).. so not exatcly traits the females are generally into.

For awhile I was really down on myself, but I've finally realized if I've gone this far without having sex and turned out ok, it must not be that important to me, and isn't as important as society tries to make it seem. Now I try to just hold my head high and be happy, and try not to waste my life in anguish worrying about it like I did in my late teens and early 20s. If it happens, great. If not, it's not the end of the world. And frankly, I don't know why sticking your dick in someone is the end all be all and suddenly makes you a badass or whatever, and I certainly don't see why others care.. I have to fight the contstant pressure and brainwashing from society that perpetuates the idea of an older guy being a virgin as weird, nerdy, pathetic, or whatever. But once you get over that brainwashing mindfuck, it's really not so bad, and I don't see the big deal in it.