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JayWood2010 said:

I did but did you?

Im pretty sure it says that TitanFall is on PC and that he doesnt know about any of the other exclusice, which i mentioned this to you in the first post i made.  DId you try and ask him about what type of games he is interested in?  Nope.  Did you ask him what TV he is using? Nope.

As i previously said, SOny fans will say no and Xbox fans will say yes(in most cases).  I see very little of people actually asking him about stuff or giving them their experiences.  Jmurph actually gave his experience and even though he may have assumed that the OP is using a specific TV you arent doing any better by assuming he doesnt have one of TV's.  

This is the reason these threads are bad in the first place.   Some honest comments but also some propaganda comments as well. Not saying yours is but you sure didnt even try and see what the op is interested in or actually try and answer his/her question objectively.

It isn't up to me, or you, or anyone else, to teach OP about the exclusives, thats what games reviewers are paid to do.
If OP doesn't want to put in the time to learn about them to begin with then he does not care much for the little hes seen of them, but again, im going off of the posts he made in my response, saying he shouldnt, and should stick to PC if the only thing he knows that interests him is titanfall, assuming its good when its released.

Sure, we can suggest games, but suggesting them is going to result in either the suggestion being shot down or otherwise.

It's not like OP will be completely blind of all things Xbox One, it's practically impossible to be in to gaming, and own a next gen system and gaming pc and not come across media regarding the xbox one titles, people generally dig in and learn more if what they skim through grabs their attention.

But then, this isn't so much a response to this particular topic at hand, or the matter of asking questions or not, more over it's simply a kneejerk reaction to your particular distaste for me and my attitude, and your assumption that i'm a "sony fangirl", as you made so clear in your above post but will no doubt claim otherwise.

The are other things as well, of course, less seen by the common poster, but there regardless.

Learn to control your emotions, is all i can suggest to you, and if you want to continue that topic, then by all means do so on irc or in PM, rather than in responses on the forums.

As for the "you don't need one" part of my comment, videogames are a luxury, an optional luxury that nobody needs, theyre simply things we "want", if he needs to post and ask to be convinced to buy one in the first place, then he doesn't have a strong enough desire of his own to warrant buying one, yet.