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JayWood2010 said:

Then maybe you should listen to your own advice and ask him questions rather than assuming things like him only wanting TitanFall or assuming he doesnt have the right TV.  Maybe ask him what tv or what games he likes. All he said is that is the only exclusive he knows about.  Instead youre jumping on to somebody about giving an opinion on their experience.

Or because I read his next post.

bigjon said:
ZabuzaXtreme said:
Cause it had better exclusive than PS4 ? Killer instinct,dead rising 3,forza,peggle 2,ryse and upcoming quantum break and sunset overdrive

Forza had my eye until it came out half baked. Titanfall if good will be on PC. 

Pretty much listed all of the exclusives to him and the only two he had any interest in, he himself says for forza, was interested till he saw the released game, and titanfall which he thinks will be good on pc.

thus its fair to say that with that and his later posts highlighting game genres he does like, if the current launch titles dont interest him, and the only upcoming titles he is interested in is coming to pc, my response to not get one and stick with his pc/ps4/wiiu is entirely justified.

JayWood2010 said:

Just because you feel a certain way about something doesnt mean everybody is the same way as you.

Precisely why i didn't bother suggesting Dead Rising 3, despite playing it the most out of all the PS4/XBO games i have, because.. as you said yourself.. on the same line..

JayWood2010 said:

I love Ico but I wouldnt recommend it to somebody unless it fits their preferences. 

By the time I posted they had already made their preference clear.

Nice try, though.