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mysteryman said:
drake4 said:
Nem said:

Indeed, we reached such a level of fidelity that a good art design can outshine fancy realistic graphics.

With that said, the most impressive things i saw were X, The witcher 3 and the division. But only X excites me cause i know theres a genuinely good game behind it (i trust monolith). The Witcher, i doubt projectred will fix the boring combat system cause they seem to be focusing so much on graphics and the division looks nice but i doubt its a very good game.

I guess graphics alone are not enough to excite me anymore.

not really, that's only your opinion, looking at sales,  fancy realistic graphics is what people want, the division, witcher 3 and battle field 4, look a million times better to me then mario 3d world or X, mario world in particuler looks so simple, the only thing i can say about is 60fps and colorful, it's a little more detailed then the galaxy series, just mainly has better textures , effects and lighting, we have platformers on 360/ps3 that look much better way with way more detail, it's just they don't run at 30fps.

So sales determine the most visually impressive games?

If fancy, realistic graphics are what people want, they should be gaming on PC.

all i said is people prefer realitic looking games, you can see clearly see that, cartoony games just don't sale anymore
 on consoles, and lets leave the pc talk out of this, because the reality is the majority doesn't game on pc, just by looking at the sales. they see pc gaming as being to complicated and expensive.