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(unfortunately) Nintendo does deserve the low sales, because the industry leader took a passive approach, instead of taking advantage of the Wii profits and getting revenge (for gamecube) with a premium console. I'm still shocked Ninty didn't take the 360 route: take advantage of the 1 year head start as the true next gen offering. Nintendo is mental if they really thought the gamepad was going to attract casuals...if anything, its the ultimate hardcore controller, when you remove hud off the main screen, etc. But you can't give a half assed hardcore console - its like selling pizza without cheese. Same on the flipside, Wii at the end of its life had a bad tv play and tvii are weak selling points to casuals, those are bonus features if anything. Not sure wtf Ninty was trying to do here, but they are stuck in the middle of nowhere.

Wii U should have been near XB1 specs & sold with a pro controller for the same $349 price. Gamepad should have sold separately with Nintendoland for $100.