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Soundwave said:
Jon-Erich said:
I really think it's time that gamers stop accepting mediocrity. Yes, it is possible to have launch hardware with a low failure rate. Yes, it is possible to have a GOTY launch title. Patches and DLC has made the industry lazy and instead of consume ring rebelling against it, they're accepting it and they shouldn't.

I agree to an extent. All three of the hardware launches have been lazy from all three sides. 

With Nintendo, I really don't see Wii U's launch as a laziness issue. For them, it was more of a bad marketing/bad timing issue. When compared to the original Wii's launch, Wii U had better quality games. Most of those games were third party ports that nobody was going to buy the system for, but they were still quality games. Nintendo had quality games. With the original Wii, most of of the launch titles consisted of low quality, rushed games. There were a few good games including Wii Sports, Twilight Princess, Trauma Center, Excite Truck. What made the Wii launch so special however was Wii Sports and Twilight Princess. Wii U didn't have that. Nintendoland was good for what it was, but it lacked the simplicity of Wii Sports and din't appeal to the core gamer. While New Super Mario Bros. was great, it wasn't as appealing as a new Zelda game.

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