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Really good writeup! I pretty much agree with everything you said, though in a desperate attempt to hold onto the excitement and magic of Nintendo (that is slowly dying) I picked one up at launch. I'm a bit bummed that I could have waited a year and gotten an incredible deal, but overall I've had a ton of fun with my Wii U. It's just like you said, it doesn't have to be a revolution to be a worthy purchase. Nintendo Land had some really amazing games (DK Crash Course deserves its own complete title!) and I'm enjoying the use of the gamepad, even if it's not fully utilized yet.

And as others have said, Pikmin 3 is really great if you get a chance to play it. I would play one of the first two if you haven't yet just to make sure you like the gameplay, though. But that game was pretty much why I got a Wii U early in the first place.

Currently playing:

Bloodbath Paddy Wagon Ultra 9