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Netyaroze said:
ListerOfSmeg said:
I gotta come back to this one later. its laughable what people are saying.
PS4 will sell more than PS3 in less time cause tablets and cellphones have taken a huge chunk of the market??? What? That doesn't even make sense at all. Less sales would yes but not higher sales.
People actually think first week sales are going to stay that way beyond the first month? wow.....

I doubt PS4 will ever push the same numbers as PS3 simply because of the pay to play scheme Sony has going. Yes the die hards wont have issues but those people couldn't give the Vita decent numbers so how can they impact PS4 that much when they couldn't Vita and these people buy anything Sony. Just not going to happen

My guess is Nintendo in first with 100m. they have the games and the price
X1 in close 2nd because its more than just a graphical upgrade console and people are use to how MS does business plus they have the games atm too
Sony last with 40-60m sold. Charging scheme and lack of innovation/lack of games will hurt sales. Sony's primary group is 13-24 and that group depends on their parents for most of their purchases.

Is this a troll ? I mean nobody can still really  believe that the Wii U will sell Wii numbers its already behind 10 Million to suddenly sell vastly more is just unrealistic especially to catch up the Wiis first year by selling even more than Wii for the next 5 years ?

I wouldn't take listerofsmeg seriously. He probably got bored of his WII U to keep damage controling on vgchartz LOL.