Ninjahound101 said:
Achievements have not been ruled out and the first implimentation was through Miiverse The online is solid I never used a blu-ray disk so i don't give a damn The CPU is way better than 360 and PS3 The GPU is amazing and the fact that at 33 watts it surpassed PS3/360 and the WiiU has now been revealed to use 67 watts the GPU is great (Minimum 650GFLOPS or so) The storage is expandable and being SSD means that there are no slowdowns unlike with XB1 which slows down after using a lot of storage because of the 3 OSs and the fact that it's an HDD |
They need more than 1 new IP...
I did not dispute the quality of Wii U games...
Achievements/Trophies are a requirement for me to play a console... I want my history trackable and provable...
The online is nothing compared to PSN and XBL... The matchmaking, leaderboards, latency, gamer info, chat system, cross game chat, etc. are all more solid on PSN/X1...
Blu-ray is a nice to have...
I said the CPU/GPU are marginally better... Maybe I should've said that the CPU architecture and the GPU does not compare to PS4/X1 well... I would not brag about a machine that is just better than PS3/X360 and not near as good as PS4/X1...
I want to be able to buy a unit that has a decent amount of storage out of the box... as for X1... After the update yesterday, I am no longer having performance issues.
Don't get me wrong. I LOVE NINTENDO... I have bought Nintendo consoles and handhelds for nearly two decades! Right up to and including the Wii... I would love nothing more than to play more Mario, Zelda, Pikimin, etc. games because Nintendo is great at making fun games...
I will not purchase it until the hardware is truely next gen (Memory bandwidth needs substantially increase, available memory needs to at least quadriple, CPU cores need to quadriple, GPU needs to get to the terraflop range) OR achievements/trophies are on the system. I can live with the hardware limitations if the games are great. But if I cannot permanently track and prove my game progress over the Internet this system isn't worth playing games for 10's and 100's of hours and not being able to show off my progress (or lack there of)...