ethomaz said:
My point is not about graphics at all.. it is more about how the devs are lazzy with launch games and the fans accept that because that excuse. |
No, it's not laziness, it's just that consoles are much more complex to develop for nowadays, yes, even moreso than developing in the jump from 2D to 3D.
Games simply take much more time and money to develop, and when you consider the time constrait developers are on from acquiring the hardware to work with, to getting it out by launch date, it's fair to forgive some bugs and lack of polish.
First party isn't really an excuse however, third party is.
First-Party Sony: Killzone and Resogun
First-Party MS: Dead Rising 3 and Forza
And those are damn good games.
Not to mention 64 only had two launch titles in NA: Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64, awesome games. But only two. On par with the quality titles PS4 and Xbox One have.