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bananaking21 said:
JayWood2010 said:
bananaking21 said:
Imaginedvl said:

The majority of the reviews out there are saying the Xbox One brings more innovation, even if they gladly admit that Microsoft needs to tweak a lot of things.

You are just picking what "you" believe is innovative in the Xbox One basically and you are ommitting a lot of things just because it does not matter to you (of you conveniently ignore them). Your list is terrible...

Innovation = vision too, you seem to forget that a lot and Microsoft got a way bigger vision than Sony regarding their "gaming" console :)

do you have selective memory or are you just saying that because you feel the need to praise microsoft? Microsofts vision for gaming with the xbox one has been one of the biggest gaming failures ever. they did a complete reversal on its policies for a reason, it was a gigantic fail. funny how you comment on the xbox ones vision for gaming when they been working for months to make it more like the PS4's.

and please, dont get me started on Microsoft and their vision, as an hardware and entertaiment company they have been anything but visionary.

Both of you guys are being selective and incredibly biased.  Take a step back from the console wars and be a little more honest about the "whole" thing.

For everybody play what you like as always.  Enjoy your consoles and stop with the bs arguments

look at my last post. im not the one taking cheap personal shots at the other here. 

I read it and is all incredibly biased opinions.  Kinect has been visionary, New online smart features, and even the original DRM stance was visionary (Wether it was right or wrong is different story).  

To say XBO was just trying to be like PS4, well that would make PS4 nothing more than being like X360 even charging for online now and replicating X360's controller design (with their own twists).  Most consoles were just trying to be like another according to you.  The only console seperating itself would be XBO and Wii according to you with Kinect and Wiimote

You can spin it however you want but instead you are stating an opinion as if yours is the only one right and not to mention your arguing about not one, but two consoles you don't even own.