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small44 said:
riecsou said:

And you are proving my point. It's a handled, it was not supposed to be targeted for hardcore gamers. Why do you think Nintendo is dominating the handheld market??? I have both PS3 and PS4, the only motivation I have to buy a Vita is the PS4 remoteplay.

About the mention of Terraway, I just saw the trailer, I can't believe Sony didn't campain the hell out of this game.

Sony handheld are not Nintendo handheld Sony gamers are not Nintendo gamers ,Nintendo handheld sold well because of Casual but not vita how casuals games will save Vita when all the casuals games on Vita when those game bomb.

PSP sold 80 millions, and their best selling game is at 7.55 millions.

3DS sold 40 millions and their best selling game is at 8.7 millions.

The Vita has been promoted like a hardcode handheld, which I think was a mistake. Vita should have not been targeted at "Sony gamers". If you are building a handheld you don't restrict yourself to "Sony Gamers". When PS2 was dominating the world and most people were "Sony Gamers", that didn't help that much the sales of the PSP.

So the DS sold more than 150 millions while Wii currently hold 100 Millions. Game Boy solde almost 120 millions while Nintendo sold 62 millions, N64 + Game Cube is less than 60 millions when Game Boy Advanced is at 80 millions... Do you really think "Nintendo gamers" are the one buying 3DS, DS, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced????