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It'll be interesting to see how the sales pan out over time to say the least.

FM5 is essentially riding on the coattails of the XB1 launch, although to be fair, FM5 could be considered by fans of the franchise as the reason to buy an XB1 today rather than wait.

FM5 has one of the better attach rates (best? someone check; I'm lazy.) and with 100% sell through on consoles, that's going to translate into excellent sales.

GT6 on the other hand, is being released on a platform whose thunder has been completely stolen by its successor in the PS4. I seriously doubt any significant number of individuals bought a PS3 for GT6, although considering one could have picked one up for $149 on Black Friday, that's an extremely cheap ticket for driving sim fans who, for whatever bizarre reason, didn't have a 7th gen console.

Over time, FM5 attach rates will drop once XB1 players have more options, but as it currently stands, it's arguably the best exclusive on the platform and as good as any a reason to buy an XB1.

GT6 sales will either stay evergreen, even on a waning platform, or this will signal a turning point for the franchise that may or may not alter once the franchise debuts on the PS4.

It would have been a more interesting comparison had GT6 been released on the PS4 instead.