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I would argue that Gears of War doesn't deserve a place at the top of the list. Basically it effectively used some simple design philosophies to appear more spectacular then it actually was. Dark environments, and gray, black, and brown color schemes will always make an environment seem more details. The old axiom holds true less is more. The less you give people to work with the more vivid their recollection.

Yes it is a brilliant design philosophy except for those that are agitated by low light levels. However it is no different then fog effects adopted in older games. The fog limited the need for greater drawing distance, and thus closer items could have greater detail. Both obscure to a degree technical failings.

I ascribe to the philosophy that the true judge of graphical brilliance is color diversification. Basically it is easy to make a monster look fantastic with just black and brown. What is technically difficult is to make a monster with two dozen colors, and still have it look incredibly detailed. Lost Odyssey manages to do that. I invite others to look at the monsters in Lost Odyssey those are incredibly detailed models. Further more the world is diverse it isn't just a lot of dark locations, or reused artwork.

I would also say Galaxy doesn't deserve to be on the list period. The Wii is not about graphical excellence. That is the consoles cross to bare, and Mario games have never pushed a graphical envelope it is hard to judge a cartoon style game graphically.

For me Bioshock has to be number one on the list. Basically while the world is dark unlike Gears of War it managed to have a deeper pallet, and greater minute detail within the world. Thus it deserves credit for having the gall to actually play with colors, and diverse lighting.